This week has been all about making positive change. Last week was so tough – especially because of the hospital trip! I was feeling even more tired and glum as a result. So given a glimmer of ok weather and I got out on the new cargo bike. Grocery shop on the bike!

Then I met my little girl from preschool and we rode our bikes home together. Tues, I dared go the cargo bike with the kids into town for ballet lesson. That went really well and we enjoyed a lovely cycle home with daddy too! 

But Wednesday there was rain about, and we have yet to play with the raincover. So I was going to walk into town for sing n sign… But alas flat tyre on the buggy. So we drove & slung! Had a brilliant meeting about TAG, then Thursday we ventured to town together w baby in the sling. Went really well! He had a sleep, we got the things we needed and had a nice lunch 😉 but still my mood had dropped at times.

So striving on for more positive change… I ordered 2 books to challenge me  – 1,000 Reasons and Being a Mary in a Martha world. I will let you know how they go! I also got organised with sending unwanted DVDs into music magpie, and ordered Josiah’s first cycle helmet! 

I’m certain my mood drops when my sleep is worst, the house is messiest and I can’t figure out feeding Josiah. This week he has started signing food. So have been trying to then give him food and fill his tiny tummy. I really hope it’s all stepping towards him eating more, being full longer and sleeping more, and then feeding less. Then I maybe able to sleep better and be more cheerful! Hurrah! It’s just figuring out what to feed him… 

This too shall pass, this too shall pass…

And this weekend?  Well, I let my husband be amazing and clean up the kitchen and lounge, sent the girlie to a birthday party, then those 2 went BMX racing! She’s doing so well 🙂 while I enjoyed a friend baby shower of tea and cake. Today is Mother’s Day, I had flowers, chocolates and two sweet cards. Got to ride my bike to church and talk through the dedication of Josiah in a few weeks time. A lovely weekend 🙂