As I write this I have just heard the news that dear friends of mine have lost their son. He was battling  an unknown illness for about a year, and last night it won. But, I’m confused by my thoughts. Because in this case, Christ has won. Ben knew the Lord well, he trusted in Him and loved Him. So I know that now he is with Jesus celebrating the victory over death which we as Christians claim. Equally I can not comprehend how his parents and brothers and sister are feeling. Nor can I begin to understand how his wife is dealing with this loss. I do not think they felt his health was in this way critical, and so the news is something of a shock. A young, loving man of only 24 is gone, he leaves a void in many lives. 

I suppose the focus for me is Christ, His victory, our salvation. I rejoice in that, and knowing that Ben is secure. I weep for the void his absence on earth has made, I weep for those closest to him. And I pray that they will know the Fathers arms tightly around them as they mourn. May they know and feel His peace, His calm, His security.

And I will hold my own children a little tighter today. If that’s ok.

I have begun my Eucharisteo journal. I am being inspired by Ann Voskamp to count the gifts from God every day. I’m daring to live fully right where I am. Simple, and obvious at times, I record the gifts from God so that I can remember them and trust Him more with my life. Trust Him more with my all. Given the news this morning brought to me, I am feeling abundantly blessed, my struggles seem pointless and selfish. I think perhaps I will also spend my day on my knees speaking with God as I try to focus. My lens is out of place and needs some time to settle back on Jesus.


Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Pete, Grace, Josiah, Jesus.